Monday, March 7, 2011

Catch up

I apologize (once again) for the lack of blog activity lately. We've been carrying along day to day normal operations over the last few weeks.

We joined our church! We LOVE Church of the Highlands. I also joined the "bulletin prep team". I spent my first Saturday morning stuffing bulletins with the team last week. It felt great to be involved and give back to the place that gives us so much each week. I can't tell you how proud I am to say that I love my church and have found a place that has renewed my relationship with the Lord. It's incredible. Please watch online or come and visit for yourself. I promise you'll never be the same.

The touch of spring fever made both Brent and myself eager for more warm days. Charlie loves those  days as well. He loves it when his mom gets off her lazy tail and takes him for his joyous walks.

We drove around yesterday looking at potential new homes. I can't tell you how excited that makes me. I mean I love our townhome but the thought of having more space and a yard makes me chomp at the bit. I know it will take time to sell our home when we finally put it on the market but I hope with prayers and timing we will be able to make the process a smooth transition.

well I'll stop my randomness and leave you all with a photo.... 
(live shot from this blogpost)
who wouldn't want to blog with this personal space heater warming you up?
I Love my Dog!