Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week 29

No new pictures.... I guess I'm a terribly preggo for not taking more snapshots to document this journey. All I can think about is the BABY! I want to hold him. I do get a good laugh at watching my belly twitch at night. Brent still has a hard time seeing and feeling the baby move. I tell him that Jackson is mad at him and doesn't want to cooperate. Nothing major has happened around here lately. I made a wreath for Jackson's door (if you're my facebook friend then you probably saw it). Two of my grandmother's are coming to visit on Saturday to bring the stroller down and see the nursery progress. I'm still waiting on the glider to come in. I have no idea where I'm going to put it! The room is much smaller now that it's a nursery and not an office. I promise to post pictures once the room comes together and is finished.

Good moment of the 3rd trimester so far.... baby movement
Terrible moment of the 3rd trimester so far....swollen ankles & feet

I should also mention that I purchased a 6 week bootcamp session off of Groupon this week. Brent thinks it's hysterical (as do the ladies I work with). I promised myself that if I spent the $35 dollars I would actually go to the classes. I'll need babysitters.... any takers?

I go to the Dr. tomorrow for my first bi-monthly appointment. I'm excited... less than 11 weeks to go if Jackson decides to come on his expected arrival date :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


It's getting harder to breath. I guess that's common with pregnancy? I feel like I need to lean back and catch a deep breath every now and then when I've been sitting at my desk or in a chair watching TV. It's strange.

I'm starting to wake up more during the night which is a pain. Bathroom calls now come twice instead of once a night. It never fails that the last time is around 5am which is a few minutes before Brent gets up for the day. It seems like as soon as I fall back asleep he wakes me with his alarm.

Jackson's bedding came in and his bed is up. It's adorable. I've been too lazy to drag my camera down and take a picture. I promise to do that soon though. I've also been too lazy to document my preggo progress. It's hard for me to take a picture of myself using the mirror and Brent's always out the door before I'm ready for work. You all do not want to see a picture of big momma in her p.j's... p.j's are a definite purchase prior to the trip to the hospital for Jackson's birth. I'm tired of looking like a hobo at night.

I can't believe we are within 12 weeks of d-day. I can't wait to hold and kiss my sweet baby :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Passing Score

I passed the glucose test! I scored 135 and the nurse told me I'd pass as long as I was below 140. It wasn't as bad as I'd expected. The drink was cold and thick. It tasted like an Alabama Slammer shot from a bartender that doesn't know exactly what to put in the recipe. I felt like a terrible mom-to-be comparing my drink to this but hey whatever helps you keep it down, right?

I also got an email on Thursday stating that my bedding had shipped. I was pumped. I wasn't anticipating it to ship until the week of August 12th. Way to go PolkaDotDesigns for being early. I can't wait to post pictures soon.

Before I go I need to share a funny story from my OB appointment. So my Dr. comes in and she's in a hurry because she's on her way to a c-section. She rattles off "blood pressures good, urinalysis was good, you're in the middle of your diabetes test and a total weight gain of 24 lbs so far". I said "okay..." she then told me that this was the point in her pregnancy when she had to stop eating doughnuts. I swear Krispy Kreme has a camera in the new 280 locations drive thru or Brent tipped her off! He swears he didn't and it was a coincidence. She backed up her statement with "I'm not getting on to you but the first 20lbs come off easy and every pound after that is hard work". I felt very irritated. I think I look okay for a 27 week 2 day pregnant person. Brent was on cloud nine. This whole pregnancy he's been saying "You're only supposed to gain 20-30lbs". I always bounce back with "I read 25-35 is acceptable". Not that I wanted 35 but if it happens...hey it happens. I've also read that it's normal to gain a pound a week from here on out. That would put me at 37 pounds of total weight gain. 7 more than good old Dr. ordered... is it bad that after writing this I'd kill for some chocolate chip cookies?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Great Worship Songs

Here are a few of my favorite worship songs we sing at church. Enjoy :)

This is actually my church singing.. love it!

This is not my church...but a song I love

what's one more when you're on a roll....

and last but not least...

FYI: Mandi Mapes has an awesome worship cd out on itunes. We used to love hearing her sing at the Church of Brookhills before we joining COTH. It will lift your mood and bless your soul... I highly recommend downloading it :)

27 Weeks

I'm up bright and early (5:35am to be exact) waiting on my canned Pilsbury biscuits to cook so I can eat them 2 hours prior to my glucose test. I was an idiot for scheduling the test at 8am. YIKES! I did it so I could be back to work promptly. No one mentioned the no food or drink two hours before but you still need to eat a meal. So here I am...pajama blogging after my first really rough nights sleep. I'm blaming it on my belly. It's too big. We have a king size bed and we are starting to no longer fit. You've got Brent, Me & Charlie plus my 3 pillows. Two for my head and one for my body. It's comical. Poor Charlie falls off sometimes. I really hope I pass the test and don't throw up the drink. I've had a bad gag reflex this entire pregnancy so that's my fear. Hopefully it won't be as bad as I've been told.

Nothing much new has happened around here lately. We are hoping for a low key weekend that allows us to accomplish things around the house and for baby Jackson. I'm looking forward to my shower at the end of the month... and then a beach trip. I found out I do not get to get a 3D ultrasound. My plan fell through when the sister hospital of my facility said they no longer do this. Talk about a sad day. I begged Brent for the $175 to pay my obgyn for a 4D and he politely told me I was crazy. I guess we won't see our little man again until the big day. Should make it more exciting, right? That's what I keep telling myself.

Have a good Thursday...and think of me while I drink my gunk. I'll be sure to post an update later :)