Saturday, December 31, 2011

Grammie's Christmas

We spent Christmas Eve night at Grammie's. This year we were all able to go to the Candle Light service at Grammie's church with her. Jackson stayed with us during the service and was quiet as a mouse. Brent said he felt like he wrestled him the entire hour. I'm thankful for such a caring and helpful husband. Here are some pictures from our night...
Brent's over family photos!
Papa Jack & Grans

 Dad jumped in the photo
 Grammie and Jackson talking
 Love my boys!
 Funny Face Jackson

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Morning

We were able to spend Christmas morning with my side of the family. We got together and ate a good breakfast before opening gifts and visiting with grandparents. Here are a few pictures to recap the day...

Reindeer Feet
 Notice our "best" gift on the far right :)
 Mommy & Jackson
 Jackson's first baseball tee
 Sitting on his present
 Brent's snazzy new robe
 First Christmas as a family of three
 Papa ack & Mawmaw
 Jackson Gang
 Grandpa & his bibb
 Us & G'Ma

Lately it's much easier to post pictures than write paragraphs. My time is consumed with our sweet man and pictures are the easy way to keep you all updated.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Post #1

We have a VERY big family. We are blessed and fortunate that we were able to spend time with everyone last week. I'll break down the gatherings in different posts. This post is about Christmas at my Memaw & Papaw's. We always have Christmas lunch there and it's delicious. I think I gained 5lbs...well I'm sure of it. Here are some photos from our fun day...

Me, Jackson & Memaw
 Family Photo...
" Hey Mom, I LOVE Christmas"
 My Boys
 Jackson & Aunt Mea
 Charlie was pooped from opening gifts
 Jackson & Aunt Em
 Us with Papa Jack
 Watching westerns with his Papaw
As you can see Jackson wore a smocked outfit that I adored. Brent called it his "sissy" outfit. I keep telling him that I have permission to dress him as I please for the first year. He agreed :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

First trip to Church

Jackson went to the church nursery for the first time last Sunday night. He slept the whole service! They didn't even get him out of his infant carrier. We warned them not to unless he woke up. He slept to church, thru church, and on the way home. He had no idea he even went.

Here are some pictures of him hanging out after church...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Going Places

Jackson and I have started venturing out on our own more lately. Although it's tough it gives me a sense of accomplishment when we get out of the house. Today we went grocery shopping. We made it to both Wal-Mart and Publix. His infant carrier basically took up the whole shopping cart! I had to place all our items around him. I let him hold our list in his lap. Publix was definitely a better experience (as always). Everyone is so nice their during the day. Oh to be a stay at home mom and go there each week. Free deli samples (the guy kept feeding me!) and people ooing and ahhing over Jackson. The hardest part about going anywhere is getting his carseat in the car. He's so heavy. Our infant carrier weighs 10lbs and he's almost 13. I'm not used to lugging 23 pounds around.

He's still getting over his cold. Last night we used the humidifier in his room and that seemed to help. Our goal is to eat every 4 hours during the night that way we only get up once. Last night I had to get up 2 times. Twice to feed him and once to change a wet diaper and rock him back to sleep. He's been wide awake for almost 4 hours at the moment so hopefully he sleeps well tonight.
he helped me write this post :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Musical Gym

Lately we've been trying to play on our musical gym each night. I think Jackson really enjoys the lights on the Christmas tree being so close to him. At the rate I'm going we will have 1 million pictures of our little man!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

6 Weeks Old

Little man turned 6 weeks old on Tuesday. Boy oh boy is he changing.

Jackson likes...
  • eating every 3 hours 
  • laying on the couch by himself
  • tummy time
  • riding in the car
  • going for walks in his stroller
  • laying on his diaper changer in only his diaper
Jackson doesn't like...
  • waiting any longer than 3 hours to eat (unless he's asleep in his car seat)
  • the hours of 7pm-9pm
Overall he's been a really great baby. For some reason he gets fussy at night right around the time Brent gets in from work. It makes it hard for Brent to unwind from the day when little man starts screaming! I'm not sure what it is but I've read several babies have the same issue. If I could change one thing it'd be his night sleeping. I'd give anything if little man slept for at least 4 hours instead of 3. If anybody has suggestions PLEASE let me know. Here are a few pictures from Tuesday... Happy 6 Weeks little Scooby (what I call him... no idea why).

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Thomas Trees

I finally had a chance to take pictures of our 4 Christmas trees. Yes, you read that correctly... 4 in a townhouse! Brent might as well be Santa's favorite elf... He loves trees!

Tree #1: 
Traditional Gold and Red ball tree. No bow... just balls. This was how Brent had his tree before I came into the picture and we keep it that way. Simple.

Tree #2:
This is my snow baby tree. Snow Babies are ornaments that my Memaw has collected for me since I was very young. She started off getting them for my Mom then they were passed on to me and my sister. The tree isn't as crooked in real life as it looks in this picture! This tree is always very special to me because it reminds me of my mom.

Tree #3
This is Jackson's tree and it's my favorite this year! My Grandmother and I bought the ornaments at Design World and I'm so glad I did it in aqua and silver. I think Jackson loves it too! I'm also proud to say that I found this white tree for $6 at wal-mart last year after Christmas. What a bargain!

Tree #4
This tree is in our bedroom. It's our fun ornament tree. Brent and I started buying ornaments wherever we travel too. We started this tradition on our honeymoon. This tree also has various ornaments that were given to us on it. This year I spruced it up a bit with a bigger ribbon and some crazy pick type things. I think it turned out great.

I joke with Brent and tell him that we probably have more trees per square foot than any other person in our neighborhood. I can't wait to one day have a bigger home with tall ceilings to put a ginormous live tree in. I can already picture Jackson seeing his Santa gifts on Christmas morning in a setting like that. One can *dream* that their house will sell one day, right? Hope everyone had fun decorating their homes for Christmas. I'll try to post more pictures of our other decorations soon :)