Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Didn't post

I'm not sure why this draft never posted. Maybe I meant to write it and forgot? who knows. I took these 3 pictures a while ago one Sunday morning before we got ready for church. These two boys are my world. I remember that the light was shining nicely through our big living room windows. I really want to learn more about lighting. 
Goodnight to all!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Beach Trip

Last week we snuck away for a few days and went to Destin with the Rutledge family. I think Jessica and I had a completely different image in our head when we planned the trip. We envisioned "relaxation". The trip was work...but worth it! Do you know how much extra stuff is needed to take a baby to the beach? A Tahoe full to be exact. We went down early Thursday morning and intended to stay until Sunday. Mother nature had other plans and brought a monsoon to us on Saturday. The Thomas family decided to head on back to Alabama. We had a great time though. Two good seafood meals out and a day and a half of reading on the beach. Reading and wrestling a 7 month old...

Jackson & Mommy
 Best Friends :)
 My Boys
 First time to touch the ocean
 doing what he did best
Family Photo
Beach Bum

Jackson wasn't crazy about the ocean. I believe the big waves (both days were red flag warnings) scared him. He enjoyed sitting under the tent and sleeping. We tried to make him sleep the entire time. He probably thought we were crazy. Jackson did enjoy the pool though. He likes splashing. I was relieved to see that he wasn't scared. My sweet little swimmy fish...

Jackson also enjoyed going out to eat. The first night we went at a normal time (7) and weren't seated until 9:30. Talk about a fun time with the babes... Grady took a massive #2 while Jackson continued to squirm. Lesson learned...with infants you go to dinner when the senior citizen discount is still available.

Night two we wised up and headed to The Back Porch at 5. We were seated within 15 minutes (lovely). Jackson continued to squirm and G-man continued to poo. Guess it's a 24/7 adventure with these two precious boys :) 
 "Dad, give me crab dip!!"
Jackson had his eyes on everything but the camera

Granna (Jess's mom) bought the boys matching suits. Could they be any sweeter?

Thanks go out to these 3 for having us along for their trip. We love you guys!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

What Jackson's Been Up To...

Taking pictures before family dinner
 Hanging out outside restaurants
 enjoying girl time
 wearing awesome hats
taking awkward self portrait family photos
hanging out with dad before bed
 watching the Braves lose, lose, lose
stay tuned for more about the Thomas Family (Who am I kidding? More about Jackson)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy 7 Months Jackson

Jackson is 7 months old today. To say he keeps us entertained is an understatement. Jackson has learned to clap and make a "clicking" noise with his mouth this past month. He still loves to squeal and kick his heels against the ground. I keep hoping he doesn't bruise his poor feet. Jackson consistently sleeps all night long now. The only thing that wakes him is if he needs his paci and can't find it in his crib. He keeps two pacis in the crib with him. It's funny to see which one he wakes up with. Jackson doesn't cry for a paci though; he just takes it if you give it to him. Jackson also learned how to make a new funny face this month. He scrunches his nose up just like my sister Emily did when she was little.
Jackson isn't crawling yet but I think he's close. He's still content to roll all over the place. You can lay him down on one side of the living room and within 1 minute he's on the other side. He just rolls and rolls and rolls. Jackson got his first sunburn this past month. I thought I had him in the shade but he managed to burn his chunky legs. Daddy wasn't happy with me! Jackson continues to be a great baby. I know we will pay for this in the future.

We love you Jackson!