Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Turning 27

I have been a terrible blogger lately. I had thought that during my FMLA leave I would have tons of free time on my hands while Jackson slept. Boy was I wrong! He keeps me on my toes and he's not even a month old yet.

I did have a birthday since my last post. It was very low key. It's amazing how having a baby changes everything! I didn't even really ask for any presents (which if you know me is bizarre). I spent the day changing poopie diapers, feeding little man and resting. Brent arranged for Jackson's Aunt Jenn & Uncle Justin to watch him that night so we could go out. We went to my favorite Japanese restaurant and to see Breaking Dawn part 1. Brent suffered thru the movie like a champ. I must say it wasn't my favorite of the series so far. Too much pregnant Bella... I needed a little more action.

Overall it was a successful day. I can't believe I'm 27.. I feel old.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Recap of Jackson's First Days at Home

BUSY! well I may be exaggerating... we may be spoiled and just not know it. Little man only fusses when he's hungry or randomly at night sometimes once Brent is home from work. Our pediatrician gave us a summary of newborn-1 month characteristics and it said that most cry on average 4 hours per day. I would say that Jackson may hit 30 minutes a day so we are fortunate. This little guy loves to poop and pee. He generally eats every 3 hours. He nurses well and takes a bottle. He loves his soothie passie. We originally only had 2 and I literally cried one night when we misplaced one. Come to find out it had fallen down in my shirt... crazy mom! Jackson loves to sit in his little lamb. We currently have little lamb and his pack-n-play in our living room. He naps well in both. Big brother Charlie has adjusted well. He loves to "protect" Jackson. I swear he wants to eat up every person that rings our doorbell (which has been a lot since Jackson arrived). He's had countless visitors. No one seems to be able to get enough cuddle time (neither can mom).

As for me... I've been feeling okay. I've had a few days where I've had a temperature and some issues with feeding. The c-section recovery has been great though. I also went back to the dr for my blood pressure and they said it was better. I'll know more when I go for my 6 week check-up. I'm beginning to look a lot more like my old self. I'm astonished at how quick the first part of the weight fell off. I'm sure I'll hit the point where the last pounds just stick until I'm able to exercise. Although I cannot imagine finding time to be able to do that... how do working moms fit that in?!?!

Brent has adjusted to being back at work pretty well. Poor guy...he's in bed by 10 each night. I think we've worn him out. I try to keep Jackson as quiet as possible during the night so Brent can rest but sometimes he hears us through the monitor.

Here are a few cute pictures...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Funny Face Jackson

I left Jackson for the first time last Wednesday. He was in good hands... he was visiting with his "G'Ma". My memaw and I ran to Buy Buy Baby & Belk to pick up a few things while she was in town. We were only gone a couple of hours but it felt so weird not having little man with me. While we were out G'Ma captured some funny faces with her camera. They are too cute not to share.

He was 8 days old in these pictures. My heart is forever his.

Friday, November 11, 2011

New Blogging Partner

This little guy helped me fix our new blog header tonight. Sure is nice having my own personal space heater on my chest for these chilly nights. 

I love being a mom :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

He's Here :)

Baby Jackson has arrived. I apologize for being a week late on the post but we've been kind of busy! Here's Jackson's birth story in photos....

Tuesday, November 1st: Off to the hospital at 6am
All set for the scheduled c-section
Brent requested a surgeon cap rather than the "lunch room lady style"
I never knew you could love someone instantly like this
so proud of Brent and the precious son we created
Our new family
My side of the family
Brent's side of the family
A close up of my sweet Jackson
His door decoration (Made by Aunt Moriah)
This melts my heart
The end of Jackson's first day with us

In my head I had expected the c-section and recovery to be extremely scary and painful. Much to my surprise it was nothing like I expected. The IV was worse than my spinal.. and the IV only felt like a bee sting. The worst part of the entire process was when I had to get up and walk around Tuesday night. 

The day went like this... We arrived at the hospital at 6:15am and were sent to a triage room for surgery prep. While in the room I received my IV and monitors were placed on my belly to watch Jackson. I actually had a few contractions while in the room. They were so minor that I'd passed them off as him flipping and bulging around in my stomach. My family was able to visit with me before I was taken back for surgery. Since I received a spinal in the OR I was able to walk myself down to the operating room. It was an odd feeling placing myself on the table. The anesthesiologist came in and gave me the spinal and within seconds I was completely numb. After the spinal they laid me out on the table and prepped my belly for the big show. Once I was prepped they allowed Brent to come in and sit by my head. I told the Dr. that I did not want to know what was going on. I then proceeded to randomly talk to not only my husband but basically everyone in the room. I believe talking helped me stay level headed and avoid being nervous during the procedure. I didn't feel any nausea. I did feel pressure when they wrestled Jackson out. He did not want to leave the baby house! At 9:01 am Jackson came into the world screaming. I told Brent that he sounded like a gremlin. He thought that was funny. I couldn't believe my eyes when the brought my son to me to see for the first time. He was perfect. He weighed 8 pounds 11 ounces. Talk about a big boy! He was 20 inches long. After the procedure I asked my OB if she thought we did the right thing. She said he was positioned so high that he probably wouldn't have ever came out on his own. We were then wheeled to the 2nd floor Room 218 where our family was waiting anxiously in the hall. I have a precious video of every one's reaction to our arrival. I hope to find a way to share that on here with you all soon. From there it was smooth sailing (except that whole getting up and active on that first night). I also developed high pressure the day of our c-section and it's still high. They say it's common for some women to develop that at the end of their pregnancy. It's odd though because mine was so low and great throughout the whole nine months. My high blood pressure kept us an extra night so we spent Tuesday-Friday in the hospital. We were released and home by lunch on Saturday. 

I promise to post pictures from our hospital stay and Jackson's first week soon. It's so much harder to blog with a baby... especially one that is so cute that you want to hold all the time!