Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy 10 Months Jackson

Jackson was ten months old yesterday. He celebrated by climbing the stairs. Literally, he climbed 6 wooden stairs at Brent's  parents house. I was shocked! He spent the night so we could go out for our 3 year anniversary and in the process he learned a new trick.

That's not all Jackson's been up to this past month though... Jackson started eating 2 jars of baby food at each setting. He was staying hungry when we only gave him one and his teachers suggested we add a 2nd jar. I believe Jackson is a big fan of this increase in food. Jackson is also taking fewer bottles as a result. Jackson ate more "real" food this past month. He enjoys green beans, macaroni and cheese, ice cream, chocolate icing, water, and bread. He's a mess when it comes to food!

Jackson also started crawling on his knees this past month. Up until recently he was content "comando" crawling throughout the house. He finally figured out that he's faster up on all fours. Jackson also began standing on his own this past month. He can pop right up on most of our furniture. He's starting to "cruise" the edges. His balance is still very shaky so I don't think his first steps are in our immediate future.

Jackson now says MaMa and DaDa frequently. We did find out that he's on his last ear infection before we make a visit to the ENT. His Dr. said his hearing is like listening to stuff with your head underwater. This bothered me. I do not want his speech delayed due to all these ear infections. I do think we will have tubes before he's a year old.

Jackson sleeps well but has nights that he just wants to be with Mommy and Daddy. On those nights the three of us pile in the king size bed and he takes over. He sleeps horizontally. It's hilarious (but uncomfortable for the person his feet are towards).

Jackson really enjoys Charlie these days. He pets him. In return, Charlie chews up Jackson's toy farm animals. Jackson got some new toys this past month and he loves them! He loves his Little People barn, Popping Elephant (Santa brought it last year) and his Disney train set that stays in Hartselle.

I could go on and on... Happy 10 Month's Jackson. We love you!!

Jackson's Stats
24.14lbs (got this checked at the Dr.)
30+ inches (not sure on this one)