Friday, November 23, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

At the beginning of October we went out to the pumpkin patch in Hayden. I lugged my camera along and boy am I glad I did! I ended up getting some cute pictures of Jackson. I was thoroughly impressed with the pumpkin patch. We will definitely make the trip up there next year. Here's some of my favorites...

After we got home Brent said "you can use one of those pictures for our Christmas card". Not so fast my dear... more to come on the Christmas Card Photo Session disaster.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Yes, I realize it's Thanksgiving and this post is about Halloween. I'm THAT behind :( We had way more trick-or-treaters...which was great! Brent kept count. I believe we hit 50. That's a big increase from our usual 4-5 at our old townhouse. Jackson did not trick... he only treated. One little girl who was about 3 months older than Jackson saw his toys and came running in our house. It was precious. She and Jackson just stood there looking at one another. I wish I remembered the parents names... I'm terrible with names. Justin & Jennifer came by and helped us pass out candy too. Charlie got in on the action as well. He loved running straight out the front door to the sidewalk each time we had a visitor.  It was a fun, dragon-filled night. I'll leave you with pictures...
sweet little dragon
 mad little dragon
 my boys
 first family Halloween
 action shot

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy 12 Months Jackson

A little late but...JACKSON IS ONE!!! What a big boy we have on our hands now. At the time of his first birthday, Jackson would take a few steps but not take off across the room. He had 4 teeth. 2 bottom and 2 top. Jackson is into everything! He constantly wants to climb the stairs or be in the floor with his toys. Jackson doesn't like to sit still or be placed in his car seat. Jackson's having a hard time adjusting to textured foods. He'd prefer to eat baby food. Jackson is down to one bottle a day. This bottle is right before bedtime. I think he could do without it but it seems so crazy to think of my baby without any bottles! I believe we will knock this bottle out by 13 months. I can't believe my baby is 1.

Jackson's one month appointment was this past week. 

Jackson's stats:
31.5 inches tall
25.14 lbs

He's had a cold for the past two weeks and the cold has caused his right tube to clog. I'm hopeful that it clears soon. Jackson really is a special guy. He has his temper tantrum moments already but I wouldn't trade this life as a mommy for anything. We love you little J :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Jackson's 1st Haircut

Jackson the night before his haircut

Jackson's needed a haircut for the past few months but I did my best to hold out until he was 1. This past Tuesday we gave in and went to visit Mrs. Kimberly. She did a great job with Jackson. I was worried about where to take him. I know most mom's make a big to-do about the first haircut. Brent said "just go get it cut". So here's our big to-do... Pictures :)
getting used to the chair
such a big boy
 "Mom...You see what she's doing?"
 Loves a blowout
 admiring his new clean cut in the mirror
my BIG boy

Thanks Kimberly for being so patient! Brent still says Jackson needs a burr (sp?) I have no idea what style our little guy will eventually have. For now, we will stick to the combover :)