Sunday, February 10, 2013

Completed Cleanse :)

Finished the AdvoCare Herbal cleanse and am so pleased with the results. I lost a total of 4 inches and 4 1/2 lbs. I'm now 5lbs away from my target goal but back at pre-pregnancy weight.

If you're interested in the cleanse please check out my AdvoCare page. I'd love to talk to anyone in more detail about my Herbal Cleanse experience.

It's only ten days...and a very easy plan to follow.

If you're interested, please check out my default site:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cleanse update

Day 8 of the cleanse is complete! I wore a pair of dress pants to work today that I haven't worn since before I was pregnant. I was pumped to pull them from my "to small" side of the closet, hold my breath, and then see them button. It's the small things in life, right? I'll give before and after measurements when it's over but I can definitely notice a change in the way my pants fit. The best part is I am enjoying my healthier choices.

Friday, February 1, 2013

I'm back...

I bet you guys thought the blog vanished. Well, it did for several months things around here have been great but hectic. Life's always interesting with a toddler.

I wanted to share something though that I'm currently doing. I'm on day 9 with no Dr Pepper. For me, this is HUGE. I've only had water and Spark. If you haven't tried Spark, you should. It's made by advocare and the fruit punch flavor is delicious. I'm going to a mixer next Tuesday so I can sample all favors. I do not drink coffee so one Spark a day does it for me. It's a powder that you mix in your water. It's safe. I won't go into detail because you can spend HOURS on the net reading about it.

I'm also on day three of the herbal cleanse. I'm a wimp but this has been easy. In three days, I've only made two slight no no's on my diet. I'm continuing to work out 3 times a week. I'm hoping for great results. If I had more time, I would have splurged for the entire 24 day challenge. We leave for Mexico on the day after I finish my cleanse so I opted for the first step of the challenge only.

Now my disclaimer: I wanted to hang up on my friend Jenna the first time she called me about this. I thought "sure... Yeah I bet you feel and look better" but it's true. And she's just passionate about this because its impacting her life so favorably. I decided to sign up to receive a discount. I'm viewing it as a comparison to Costco.

If you're interested, please check out my default site:

If you see a product you like, I encourage you to try it. That's all it took for me...trying.

Ill be sure to post ten day cleanse results once I'm finished.

Looking forward to being back in blog land :)