Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall Vacation

Every year that Alabama plays Tennessee (well the last 3 times) in Knoxville we like to go up for the game. We used to stay in a cabin with our tailgate friends but JBT changed that. This year, we spent a few days camping with my grandparents. It was very relaxing. I didn't check my work email one time! Jackson actually went up a few days before us. Yes, I sent my child on vacation and I survived :) He had fun being in the mountains with his great-grandparents.

Family photo before heading to Knoxville

My Papaw has had motorcycles my whole life. As a child, he used to take me all over Hartselle on his. It scared some people half to death but my parents never said that I couldn't go. I'm going to be a bit more protective of Jackson but I did let him ride around the 5mph campsite. My Papaw took his motorcycle and had a special lap belt installed. It was priceless seeing him ride around with his Papaw. He loved it so much that he'd turn from us when we would try to take him off the bike.

When Jackson wasn't on the motorcycle you could find him in his car. He is obsessed with his car. He and I randomly bought it at Wal-Mart one day after school. His teacher pulled me outside and showed me this contraption that he loved so much and I just had to go get him one. Thank goodness I did...

Some of our camping neighbors really took a liking to Jackson. They liked him so much that they gave him their granddaughter's bike helmet. Granted, the helmet was for a much older child than an almost 1 year old. Jackson's head almost filled it up. To that, the nice camper said "He's got a big head". I was like "yes, blame it on his dad." Jackson actually cried when Brent tried to take the helmet off when they went in a boot store. I'm told that Jackson then wore the hat the entire time they were in the store. I wish  I'd seen that.

Jackson also took showers instead of baths on this trip. The adults all used the bath house but little man insisted on showering in the camper. His Papaw gave him baths. It was so refreshing to not do the normal bath routine. I had 6 nights free from the routine. That's like winning the lottery around here!

This picture melts my heart. My little guy loves his Papaw just like I do.

We also took a few family photos. Now I have Brent complaining and Jackson staring at strangers. At this rate, there is no telling what will be on our Christmas card this year.

We have a picture at this exact spot 2 years ago...
If only Jackson was looking...

We had a great time. The only picture I have from the game is on my phone. We were too bundled up to take a camera. Plus, I wouldn't have had any room for it since the seats are all of 6 inches wide in Neyland Stadium. It was nice having a "date" day with Brent though. It was a great, inexpensive Fall get-a-way :) I can't wait until our next mountain trip.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Boo Bash

Our new neighborhood hosted a "Boo Bash" for the families today. I told Brent that we would participate AND meet the other families in our area. Well, we were 1 for 2. We participated but didn't really get to know any other people! epic fail. I must say our Dragon was one of the cutest gremlin's in the parade though. I was very impressed with the event. Each street brought different items and the HOA provided hotdogs and blow up things for the kids to play in. We are blessed to have a park at the entrance of our neighborhood so the shin dig was held there. I  got my workout in today. I'd say we walked a total of 2 1'2 miles from our house, to the parade starting point, back home. The firetruck led the way and Jackson wasn't scared of the siren. MeMe & Pop even swung by to check out our Dragon. It was a fun day :)

Dragon threw a little tantrum when it was time to take off his suit

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Happy 11 Months Jackson!

Freaking out a baby is eleven months old. He's so fun. He's so silly. He's in to everything! This month Jackson has really gotten the hang of blowing out funny noises. He also loves to grab your arm or leg and slobber/blow to make the funny sound. It cracks me up! Jackson had a big month. He still only has his two bottom teeth but it looks like the top ones will pop in any day now. Jackson had a couple more ear infections so we are scheduled for tubes next week. Jackson crawls everywhere (no more army style) and cruises around the house from one thing to another standing and walking (as long as he has something to hold on to). Jackson has not let go for his first steps yet. I think it will happen this month but I don't want to get my hopes up. I love watching him grow and change.

Jackson has entered a clingy stage though. This past week he cried each time I dropped him off (daycare, gym, church nursery). Jackson continuously babbles these days. The only words he says are "da da" "ma ma" and "go". It's funny to watch him crawl to the stairs and yell "da da" up towards the office. He gets feisty! Jackson also loves pushing things around the house. His new favorite things to push are the kitchen step stool, his high chair, and the bar stools. One time this past month he was pushing the kitchen stool into the bar stool and pushing them both down the hall. He's strong!

Jackson's Stats
approximately 31 inches

Jackson got a new car this month. It's a push along car that he loves to ride in. He played with one at his school and sure enough he and I went to Wal-Mart and bought one the very same day. Brent said I'm crazy and shouldn't just blow money like that for no reason. Sigh... I couldn't help it!

These monthly pictures of Jackson are getting very hard to take. He refuses to sit still in his chair. He would rather try to jump/slump/crawl out onto the floor. Luckily our Memaw was here to help entertain him on his 11 month birthday. She was a big help during the pictures.

We love you Jackson Brent!