Thursday, August 9, 2012

Happy 80th Grandpa

Last Saturday we all met to celebrate Grandpa's 80th birthday. We surprised him at Longhorn. I'd say it was a success! We all chowed down on delicious steak and Gigi's cupcakes. Jackson even enjoyed his first taste of chocolate icing :)

Story behind the overalls: I'm told that it's tradition in my Grandpa's family to buy the little boy's their first pair of "Liberty" overalls for their 1st Birthday. My Grandpa picked Jackson up a pair a few months early. He found and purchased these all on his own. I believe it made his day seeing his little buddy dressed like him. I must say I have a cute little farm boy :)

" ducks need some food too!"

Happy Birthday Grandpa! Wishing you many, many more :)

4th of July

A perk of the new house is room for family gatherings. We put the newly stained deck to use on the 4th. We invited both sides of the family over for an afternoon of fun (aka: food). We grilled chicken, burgers, hot dogs and corn. YUM! I really didn't take many pictures but here are a few from the day:

 Redneck Swimming
 Jackson's Aunts & MeMe
 Papa Jack & Grans

Back to that Redneck swimming. Jackson LOVED having his baby bathtub out on the deck. Poor thing doesn't even have a mini swimming pool yet. I get an "F" for summer toys and fun. Oh well...maybe all our nagging/begging/pleading will result in a real in-ground pool out in the yard one day. Hope everyone had a Happy 4th. Does it count that I'm wishing that a month late?!?!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Happy 9 Months Jackson

Jackson is 9 Months. Once again... I cannot believe it! He's doing so much these days. Jackson crawls/scoots every where. He rocks on his knees now and tries to pull up. He's toppled over a few times pulling up and I think it's made him a bit nervous. Jackson started eating puffs and cheerios this past month. He loves snacking. Must be a lot like his daddy! Jackson still says "bye bye" and "da da". I think he is working on "Ma Ma" but it's not as consistent as his other sounds. Jackson went to the doctor for his 9 month appointment and during the check-up Dr. Stacey determined that he has another ear infection. Seriously??? Oh well... one more ear infection and off to the ENT we go.

Jackson's Stats
22lbs 10oz
30 inches 

Jackson is still wearing 9-12 & 12-18 month size clothing. It all depends on the brand. His new favorite toy is his Little People barn. He loves the animals. He also started enjoying his poppin elephant toy that Santa brought him last Christmas. Jackson still loves bath time, hide and seek, clapping, swaying and dancing. He's such a special little man :)

and because you all need a few bloopers...