Saturday, March 2, 2013

Why AdvoCare

If you haven't been under a rock you've noticed that I've had several posts about AdvoCare lately. It's because I'm so excited about my new opportunity and want to share the info with anyone who will listen.

For starters, I was SO skeptical. I wanted no part of this. I wouldn't even go to my best friends mixer because there was no way she was dragging me into this scheme of hers. Fast forward 3 months and the itch got me. I needed to lose 5-10lbs, I needed to break my Dr Pepper habit, and extra money sounded nice. I placed my first retail order (dumb mistake) and did the ten day cleanse and started spark. I was hooked! I had to order more... Only this time I did my distributorship which saved me 20%. I WISH I'd did this WITH my FIRST retail order (that was my dumb mistake).

I'm feeling better, looking slimmer (I'm down 6.5lbs) and have more energy. I want to tell anyone who will listen about this because I'm making $. I'm using products. Things are going good. This isn't a cult, this isn't a fraud MLM, it's a group of nice people who just happen to use direct sales to help those that want to use product make some cash while getting a discount. It's as black and white as that.

If you're even remotely interested, please leave a comment or message me. I'd love to have a friend tell you about how she went from $5 to $30k and is set to hit approximately $86k this year.

You're investment can be as small as $79 (with $50 of free product and an automatic 20%) or as bold as $2100 for $3k of product with an automatic discount of 40%, advisor status, and set to earn back profit of $900 once you sell those products.

I'm so fortunate that I joined under the group I did. Our team leaders LEAD and help you see what it takes to turn this from a discount to extra $ in your pocket bi-weekly. I'm here to help. Here to share. Just ask!

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