Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Try it, You'll Like It...

With this post I am officially calling out all you guys who have fabulous lives but do not share them with the blogging world. Don't be offended... I love text messaging with you but I think your life and day to day activities are too entertaining not to share. In no particular order here we go...

1. Melissa: You read the blogs; You may even stalk a few (due to boredom at work) so use that creative energy to share your life! You're a fabulously entertaining 20 something woman with exciting things going on in your life. Two jobs, a new apartment, living here on your own.. Come on, Share!

2. Dad & Lori: I want to read about everything that goes on. I haven't lived at home since 2003 and I miss the things that go on there. I know you guys could text each other what to write.. make Lori do the typing!

3. Emily: Hello I want to know about your first big girl job, college, and your boyfriend. You have such a beautiful heart and I know you could share words of wisdom with your daily Bible verses and devotion. (I miss You)

4. Candice: You are a fellow newlywed with a very dramatic cat. You have a job that is sure to generate good people watching stories. I know you have entertaining things to write about. I hear about them from time to time on the phone. Come on and update me weekly!

5. Moriah: Easy reason- your two sister-in-laws blog so join the fun. I know you are terribly busy planning a wedding and working 6 days straight.. but trust me, You will actually find it relaxing from time to time. Hope to see a 3rd "Thomas" Family blog pop up in the near future.

6. Jenna: Basically I don't get to see/talk to you enough because you live so many miles away in McCalla. You are bound to have sweet stories about the children in your class. You also have a cute dog named George that the world is dying to get to know and Garrett's got to do some funny things too!

7. Meagan: You could post photos online. Let us know how life in Tuscaloosa is. I'm tired of hunting you down on facebook to find out how your life is. (I miss you as well)

8. Grammie: You can write all about the adventures you and your friends have. I'm sure you have beautiful pictures you can post and funny stories to share.

9. Memaw/ Papaw: I almost left you off the list; I'm pretty sure you will say "I don't know how to use this thing!" No worries, I can teach you.

10. Jennifer H: You can share things about Connor. It's easier than Facebook--much faster and less Farmville (whatever that is). It'd be great to keep up with you guys since we don't get to see you as often as we'd like.

Well now you all have your reasons. If I left you off it's because I didn't think I could recruit you into the blogging world. I'm no Nick Saban...

So take my advice.. try it.. even if it's only 1 post a week. You will ultimately make someones day, I promise.

(and if you think this is to overwhelming to take on email me and I will send you a step by step tutorial on how to make blogging easy)

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